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To make disciples and see them transformed in order for them to fulfil their destiny in God and become carriers of the fire of God



We believe that the purpose of Carry The Fire Ministries UK is to fulfil the Great Commission, that is to make disciples for God and help these disciples to learn all that Jesus taught, knowing who they are in Him and what it means to be carrier of the Fire of God, finding out their destiny in God and walking in it.


How we will carry out our mission will certainly be fluid but our 8 core values will bring clarity on our journey:

We believe in relational Christianity which is the most successful way to make disciples. We are committed to allowing discussion, questions and an interactive approach to discipleship where the lives of both disciples and discipler are entwined and not disconnected. We also believe that discipleship can be pre or post conversion and we can be disciples in any part of our spiritual journey as we go deeper into God.

We believe that life-change happens best in community and small group settings. This will encourage relational Christianity whereby discipleship, vulnerability and accountability can flourish.

We are committed to equipping Christians through Biblical preaching and teaching from God’s Word.

We are committed to reliance on prayer for direction, conception, planning and execution of the ministries and activities within the ministry. 

We are committed to helping people to discover their spiritual gifts and to fulfil the individual destiny that God has for them.

We are committed to excellence in all that we do for the glory of God. This will be achieved when the right person is exercising their God given abilities in the appropriate ministry setting.

We believe that people can ‘belong before they believe’ and we are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for that to happen.

Worship is key as we believe that God has to be central in everything that is done and that everything is for His glory and for the extension of His  Kingdom.


Jenny & Chris Collins

Chris spent 27 years in the police force before retiring.  As well as being a Pastor, Chris also works for a local charity called Provision House as a delivery driver.

Jenny has worked as a support worker for learning disabilities and mental health before becoming  joint pastor with Chris. Jenny was given the Carry the Fire mandate in 2014 and does most of the day to day planning of the ministry supported by Anita Brown who

is the ministry’s administrator 

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